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Shared sleeping rooms are the most common accomodation in traveller inns. There will be a bedroll and a chest (that can be locked, for valuables) for each patron. Six, ten or twenty people sleep in such a room, often close to each other. In higher quality inns, the shared rooms will be smaller, down to four places, and bedrolls will be replaced with simple beds.
Shared sleeping rooms are the most common accomodation in traveller inns. There will be a bedroll and a chest (that can be locked, for valuables) for each patron. Six, ten or twenty people sleep in such a room, often close to each other. In higher quality inns, the shared rooms will be smaller, down to four places, and bedrolls will be replaced with simple beds.

As far as food is concerned, even high-quality inns rarely have a menu. There is typically a dish of the day that is offered, varying depending on what the innkeeper bought on the market that morning. Only the most refined places in the larger cities sometimes have two or three dishes that you can choose from. In the vast majority of places, you order lunch or dinner and get served whatever is for lunch/dinner that day.

== Drinks ==
== Drinks ==

Revision as of 11:01, 21 December 2019

The purpose of this page is to give us modern readers a few key points to understand just how different the world used to be. If you have engaged yourself in re-enactment or medieval studies, you can probably skip this page.

Daily Life


Almost all food consumed is both local and seasonal in nature. Especially the basic foods of peasants and served in low-cost inns will be whatever is available in the area at this time of year. In summer and autumn, fresh vegetables are plentiful, while in winter, the selection of available food is much lower.


Animals are all around, everywhere. Peasants often sleep in the same (the one) room with their livestock, chickens run around in the castle yard, dogs and cats roam the area. Not only is the scale of animal farming much smaller than today, living animals are also the cheapest and most convenient way of keeping their meat fresh. So armies on the march are often accompanied by herds of animals used for milk and slaughtered when meat is needed.


With no dishwasher, washing machine and other machines, manual labor is everywhere. That also means that all but the very poor have servants. Even most farmers have a few servants, serfs or farmhands. Anything you are unable to do by yourself you hire someone to do for you. It is simply far more common to have servants. A noble's household would be bustling with servants everywhere, maids, cooks, people carrying things, stoking fires, cleaning up, helping the lord and lady to dress and bathe, taking care of the horses and carriage, guards, and, of course, the temporary service people like bards, minstrels, scribes and others.


Nights can be really dark, depending on the cloud cover and moon phase.

Without electric or gas light, there is very little light outside during the nights, even within the cities. In a forest, when clouds cover the moon and the canopy blocks the starlight, it can be pitch black.

Within the houses, that means as soon as the sun sets, fires are lit. Commonly, wood fires. Fireplaces provide both light and warmth. Candles are too expensive to be just burning all the time, but are fairly common. They are somewhat affordable by the common folk at low quality, but the wealthy and nobility would use higher-quality candles. Oil lamps were also popular for those who could afford them. There are also many other variants, such as the rushlight or grease lamps.


Fire is a great killer. Both inside the house (cooking is often done over open fire) but also on the larger scale. Villages and towns can burn down from a single out-of-control fire, and often do. Not to mention that arson is a popular tool of war.


In most cases, outhouses actually are outside, away from the main house. That includes outhouses at inns. At the edge of villages or at a roadside inn in the middle of nowhere, people often go when the sun goes down, need or no need, and then try to avoid going to the outhouse in darkness.


Unlike the (mostly false) prejudices, people do wash regularily. Heating water is a long and expensive matter, however, so much washing was done either communaly (bath houses in towns and cities, family bathing day in villages) or cold.

Washing clothes was hard labour and took a long time. "Washing days" were exactly what they sound like - in many villages, one day a week the women would gather and all go down to the river together to wash clothes - for the whole day.


In general, most people travel much less and shorter distances, due to the absence of cars or trains. Commoners, especially, often travel only within the general area of their birthplace and might take a trip to the nearest city once a year for important matters.

Those who do travel often travel most of the time. Mercenaries and merchants, sailors as well as craftsmen with rare skills, but also generals and high officials and even some kings and dukes spend most of their time in travel due to the sheer amount of time it takes. Many of these people do not even have a permanent residence.


Roads can be anything from trampled dirt (that turns to mud when it rains) to cobblestone. But even with a road, travel speeds would be around 20 km per day, 25 on a good road, as walking is the fastest long-distance travel speed available to most. Horses are good for short distances, but have less endurance than a human and can't keep up the speed for long. Over a whole day of travel, most people can actually walk faster than they could ride. Most carriages and waggons are without suspension and travel in them is far from comfortable.

Travel speeds depend a lot on how much is carried. With luggage, people slow down considerably, and having a pack animal is a good way to keep travel speed high.


Many wayside inns offer a limited selection of food and drinks, and in simpler establishments it is not uncommon that there is only one dish on the menu.

As far as sleeping opportunities are concerned, most inns offer the so-called common room, which is a shared sleeping room. It can be a room with bedrolls, but very often it is simply the bar room after closing time, where patrons can sleep on the benches, tables or floor for a few copper pieces.

Shared sleeping rooms are the most common accomodation in traveller inns. There will be a bedroll and a chest (that can be locked, for valuables) for each patron. Six, ten or twenty people sleep in such a room, often close to each other. In higher quality inns, the shared rooms will be smaller, down to four places, and bedrolls will be replaced with simple beds.

As far as food is concerned, even high-quality inns rarely have a menu. There is typically a dish of the day that is offered, varying depending on what the innkeeper bought on the market that morning. Only the most refined places in the larger cities sometimes have two or three dishes that you can choose from. In the vast majority of places, you order lunch or dinner and get served whatever is for lunch/dinner that day.


Alcoholic drinks are omnipresent and ale is pretty much the go-to thing an inn serves. One main cause is that in many places it is not safe to drink the water, especially in cities. Sewers are unheard of in all but the most advanced locations, and sewage treatment is a concept nobody has ever thought about. Alcohol kills germs, however, making the drink safe to consume. Most of those alcoholic drinks are fairly light in alcohol. Anything above 10% would be considered a strong drink and only distilled spirits - all of which are considered hard liquours - go above 20%, though sometimes considerably. The exception are dwarven beers, which are at least 25% strong and many go above 40%. Not that precise measuring methods would exist, but that is strong.


Water, in general, is valuable because people have to draw it up from a well or haul it from the nearby stream or river. When you've carried that bucket for a kilometre or two, you don't just throw it out. Most water is re-used or conserved. Baths would be shared among the peasant family with each member taking a turn, not because because liked to be dirty but because filling the bath was quite a bit of work (both carrying the water and heating it).

Many houses would collect rain water as a relatively easy means of getting some supply of water, but this would depend on the season and general location.


Most common people can't read or write, or have basic skills at best. Letters are common between nobles, but peasants communicate by speech and news and tales are brought to the villages and towns by bards in the form of songs. Many peasants have no idea what their king looks like, except for the descriptions of him in those songs. Bards are essentially the newspapers of the world, one reason why they can often hope for a free meal and a corner to sleep in at both inns and castles.



Many parts of the world are as bureaucratic as the modern world, especially when it comes to taxes. There is a tax on everything, and tolls and fees on many more things.



The economy in this age is still very much an agricultural one. Most people work in food production, either as farmers or in a related profession such as miller, butcher, etc.

As such, society is pretty much built around things important to the food supply. Seasons influence daily life much more than they do today, and the weather is not just a nuissance or pleasure, but a matter of life and death.


The role of cities is much, much lower than in the modern world. In western society, more than half of the population today lives in cities. In the age of Dragon Eye, urbanisation is between 10% and 20%, depending on the region and realm. Cities are the exception, not the norm. Most people live in the countryside, close to and surrounded by nature. Cities are dirty, criminal, dangerous places.


The core points of both political and military maps are castles, not cities. Castles can control the land for miles around, and extend their control much further if they are located at chokepoints near rivers, passes or other locations not easily circumvented. They house the nobles and knights and can project military might around. No enemy controls the land without taking its castles.

Castles are also vital economically. The presence of nobles, nights and their households attracts other craftsmen and villages near a castle usually prosper. The castle also offers them safety in case of attack, and villagers will retreat there, often together with their most valuable livestock.


Life being harsh pushes people closer to those they know and trust - family and others "like me". Foreigners are often viewed with suspicion, at least until they've made it clear they are not threat. And the more alien a foreigner is, the more he will be mistrusted. Different skin colour or being a member of another race (dwarf, elf) will often be a considerable problem in social interactions. Even the gnomes, which are integrated completely into human society, are viewed as foreigners in the villages and other places where they are less common.