Western Grasslands
From Dragon Eye Atlas
The western grasslands are an area stretching along the western side of Auseka, mostly in Palan and Njombia with the south-western edge of Vericum also touching the region.
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Unique Fauna & Flora

The Kelenken are a family of large, flightless birds roaming the grasslands.
Adult male Kelenken stand taller than a man, at about 2m beak height. They are fast runners, reaching around 50 km/h in speed. Females are about 20% smaller than males, but still frightening and when their young or nest is nearby, much more aggressive than males.
Most Kelenken are meat-eaters. Their powerful legs and sharp claws allows them to seriously wound most animals with their strong kicks. They are known to hunt deers, goats, sheep as well as smaller animals. They do eat carrion when hungry.
The birds are known to attack humans from time to time, and many of the tribes living in the grasslands fear them. A kick from a Kelenken is enough to break bones in adult men, and their claws leave nasty scars that have a tendency to become infected (the birds run and dig with them, as well as tearing apart meat).
The best way to avoid a Kelenken is to head for the nearest group of trees or bushes, as they prefer the open plains and rarely go into forest or even bushland.
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