This script adds random deviation to the polygons in a geojson file
intended to be used as described in https://www.patreon.com/posts/31650405
(C)2019 by Tom Vogt <tom@lemuria.org>
Support me on Patreon:
$max_deviation = 0.2;
$max_abs = 0.02;
$min_distance = 0.05;
$iterations = 4;
if ($argc < 2 ) {
exit( "Usage: add_random_points.php <filename.json>\n" );
// FIXME: This script created a few cases of self-intersection that must be fixed manually
// in QGIS: Vector -> Geometry Tools -> Check Validity
$cells = json_decode(file_get_contents($argv[1]), true);
for ($i=0; $i<$iterations; $i++) {
$lookup = array();
foreach ($cells['features'] as &$cell) {
$points = $cell['geometry']['coordinates'][0];
$prev = null;
$newpoints = array();
foreach ($points as $point) {
if ($prev) {
$distance = sqrt(pow($prev[0] - $point[0], 2) + pow($prev[1] - $point[1], 2));
if ($distance == 0) continue;
if ($distance > $min_distance) {
$id_a = $prev[0]."-".$prev[1];
$id_b = $point[0]."-".$point[1];
if (isset($lookup[$id_a."--".$id_b])) {
$newpoints[] = $lookup[$id_a."--".$id_b];
} elseif (isset($lookup[$id_b."--".$id_a])) {
$newpoints[] = $lookup[$id_b."--".$id_a];
} else {
$x = ($prev[0]+$point[0])/2.0;
$y = ($prev[1]+$point[1])/2.0;
$r = mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax(); // 0-1
$r = ($r+1) / 2; // 0.5 - 1.0
// if we define dx=x2-x1 and dy=y2-y1, then the normals are (-dy, dx) and (dy, -dx).
$dx = $point[0] - $x;
$dy = $point[1] - $y;
if (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() < 0.5) {
$x_off = -$dy;
$y_off = $dx;
} else {
$x_off = $dy;
$y_off = -$dx;
$x_off *= $r * $max_deviation;
$x_off = max(min($x_off, $max_abs), $max_abs*-1);
$y_off *= $r * $max_deviation;
$y_off = max(min($y_off, $max_abs), $max_abs*-1);
$p = array($x + $x_off, $y + $y_off);
$lookup[$id_a."--".$id_b] = $p;
$newpoints[] = $p;
$newpoints[] = $point;
$prev = $point;
$cell['geometry']['coordinates'][0] = $newpoints;
echo json_encode($cells, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);