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The Dream

The Dream was a standalone mini-supplement to the 4th Beluaterra Invasion in my online game BattleMaster. It was an interactive fiction game, without much action and combat. There were a few quests and there was a small game-world to explore and discover.

It was a 3D mini-game available for OS X and Windows. While the game was a standalone program (i.e. you download and install it), it was tied into the BattleMaster game and linked to player accounts there. If you had a character on Beluaterra, you could even get in-game rewards for him (but you could play for fun even if you don’t).

You could dream once per day, and a daily dream cloud last up to 30 minutes. Estimated play time until you had seen everything there is to see was about 4 hours total.

A few more details are on its wiki page. There are also subpages with spoilers.



Mystic Arena
You are a gladiator in a fantasy arena. Roleplay, train, win battles or at least survive them.
Another pen-and-paper roleplaying game, Amber Diceless Roleplaying by Erick Wujcik, for which I wrote homebrew rules and some more character details, etc.
Dragon Eye
Dragon Eye is my take on Old School Roleplaying (OSR).