From Dragon Eye Atlas
It's capital was Throniapol
The following provinces make up old Umdet:
- Abidia
- Achythia
- Argipo
- Bythus
- Cyroucia
- Emniria
- Gorniarateia
- Gourtenia
- Haiontosia Island
- Henusia
- Kourosia Island
- Oenu
- Pandolis Land
- Pania Earldom
- Phartasia
- Phlius Territory
- Pria
- Surion
- Thasia
- Throniapol Earldom
- Trinodoria
- Troylos
additionally, the conquered lands of Postellero Territory should be counted as Umdet territory prior to the founding as they had been under Umdet control for a decade with no realistic hope for Durcoria to regain them.
This page is still incomplete and missing content or details that are planned, but have not been added yet.