

From Dragon Eye Atlas

Religion assumed nature god of
Elven Gods alive evil mistrust, deceit and betrayl
Faith of Nesra alive evil betrayl and broken promises
Faith of Ikoyo alive evil betrayl and broken promises

Unira is a female goddess universally loathed and associated with deceit, the breaking of promises, betrayl and all its forms.

In the Faith of Ikoyo, she shares these attributes with her brother, Ozot.

Her version in the Elven Gods could also be male - part of her/his trickery is that Unira appears sometimes as a man and sometimes as a women. Whatever the gender, The elves believe that Unira is dead and fell to the earth thousands upon thousands of small pieces - which are now found tainting the souls of men.

This page is still incomplete and missing content or details that are planned, but have not been added yet.