Most Developed Pages
From Dragon Eye Atlas
This page contains some of the most developed pages on the Wiki so that you do not need to hunt for content. At this time, many pages are stubs, marked TODO or even completely missing. So here is what is there:
Local Regions with Details
The following regions have several places, villages, etc. developed with enough details that a party can stroll around for a bit:
- In Vericum, the region between and around Phonas and Sumegaidau.
- In Njombia, Nanalanda Territory and Lahralutra County with its capital Lahralutra.
- In Palan, the area around Mekezisi.
- In Mun, Chagseong County and Sasanguk.
- The Fonticia / Schap border area and some places within the two realms such as Morcera or Alsbach and nearby places.
- In Biesen, the Basco region and especially the area between Casuvo and Saronale.
Important People
- House Secamur, the family of the first Emperor, for Vericum
- The Council of Twelve for Palan.
Villages Heatmap
Here is a heatmap of villages on the map, which gives you an impression of which areas of the world are how well detailed. Note that this does not mean the villages have descriptions.